Monday, January 4, 2010

"Freedom of speech"- a concept seemingly unheard of in the Indian Republic.Numerous instances of the flouting of this principle come to mind.One of the most recent ones was the controversy regarding the calling of mumbai as bombay in the film "Wake Up Sid".The Shiv Sena or perphaps any one of its political rivals ( partners in crime in this respect)was ready with the required threatenings and cajolings due to the "harm to the marathi manoos" thus forcing the producers of the film to make the suitable alterations.The producers also had to make a public apology to the politicans.Where do these self appointed "moral policemen"come of?What morals are they preaching? The one related to self serving propaganda?And it seems the govt if not directly clamouring for the same policies is ready to acquiesce to any voice of protest from any arbitary organisation especially one of a religious nature.Sectarian (and vote garnering)intrests are more important than the voice of the artist. Taslima Nasreen was forced to run to another country because her works had allegedly caused"internal disturbances"(which were caused more due to the rallies undertaken by the concerned political parties and their allies) . She is not being able to return back .She is not alone.In case of certain matters(especially religion)the concept of freedom of speech becomes quite controversial in countries outside india ( the instance of the film"the last temptation of christ" being banned ,before it had been even seen, in certain parts of the world) .But it seems as if the voice of the "offender"is also heard and more often than not it reigns supreme especially when the voices around it barely make sense and pass of as emotional rhetoric at its most sane level.The recent instance of the prevented assault of the danish cartoonist of the mohammed photos is there to see.He got security to ward off extremists ,not told to run away from them .Is this kind of situation a possibillity in india at all? Freedom of speech includes the freedom to ignore as well.If you dont like somethng dont read it.Dont burn it and force your action on others.

1 comment:

  1. We are fortunate to be a democracy which allows freedom of speech.. but unfortunately the literacy levels are abysmal (by literacy i dont mean just being able to sign one's name, but true education and ability to rise above caste/religion and such trappings) and in such a case, where power is desired by these politicians, the true meaning of individual freedom of speech or freedom per say is lost.
